Nora Goldstein, BioCycle Editor

January 7, 2020 | General

Editorial: Let's Connect

Nora Goldstein, Editor, BioCycle

Nora Goldstein

The inaugural edition of BioCycle CONNECT®, the new BioCycle for a new decade, is being delivered January 8, 2020. We’ll be coming to you just about every week in 2020 with new and timely content on organics recycling projects, programs, policies, and practices — as well as dust off some oldies but goodies from BioCycle’s 60 years of article archives.
BioCycle CONNECT e-newsletterFor readers of BioCycle in print, you’ll see some familiar features in BioCycle CONNECT, starting with a Table of Contents in the upper right-hand corner. We are continuing our news departments — BioCycle World, Composting Roundup, Anaerobic Digest and Equipment News — and Sally Brown’s popular Connections column. Each department, as well as our feature articles, continue on our website, We’ve been interviewing facility operators, investors, project developers, policymakers and others to gather insights on organics recycling industry trends, markets and expansion opportunities. We’ll report what we’ve learned (and will continue to learn) in BioCycle CONNECT over the coming weeks and months.
BioCycle CONNECT is the first new product The JG Press, Inc. is rolling out in 2020, and replaces our biweekly e-newsletter, @BioCycle. This spring, we will unveil a new and updated website. Together, BioCycle CONNECT and replace BioCycle magazine in print. BioCycle webinars will kick off in February, and our Spring Conference, BIOCYCLE CONNECT WEST 2020, March 30-April 2, 2020 in Sacramento, California, introduces a new format to facilitate peer-to-peer learning and networking.
The unifying theme of BioCycle in the 2020s is Connect — connecting with each other to strengthen and grow the organics recycling industry, and connecting with other industry sectors and markets that benefit from organics recycling practices and end products.
Enjoy our first BioCycle CONNECT e-issue. Please give us your feedback — and spread the word by forwarding this BioCycle CONNECT sign up link to others in and beyond your organics recycling community.

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