June 16, 2011 | General

Industry News

BioCycle June 2011, Vol. 52, No. 6, p. 63

Compostable Film
Cortec’s line of Eco Works certified biodegradable and compostable flexible films and bags is designed to replace many forms of low- and high-density polyethylene at a competitive pricepoint. Applications range from protective industrial and agricultural films to retail packaging and municipal waste diversion collection bags. Eco Works’ formulations can be customized to meet precise needs. When placed in a typical composting environment, the film will fully biodegrade into carbon dioxide and water within six to eight weeks, according to Cortec. The films have been certified 100 percent biodegradable/compostable per ASTM D6400 and DIN EN 13432 by certifying agencies such as BPI and DIN CERTCO. Visit www.cortecvci.com.

Conveyor Acquisition
Martin Engineering, a global supplier of systems and services to improve handling of bulk materials, continues its expansion into India with acquisition of Clean Cat Conveyors Pvt Ltd. of Goa, a manufacturer and supplier of steel conveyor idlers, belt cleaners, vulcanizing machines, sealing and skirtboard systems and other conveyor accessories. Clean Cat’s facility in Goa will operate as a branch of the Martin Engineering. Product offerings include conveyor belt cleaners and transfer point sealing systems, air cannons, engineered vibration and dust management systems. Visit www.martin-eng.com.

Modular Digester

Avatar has introduced a modular and scaleable plug-flow digester system for dairy farms whose collected manure is a slurry of 8 to 12 percent solids. Digester hull sections are 8-feet in diameter by 20-feet long, each handling manure produced by about 25 cows. The hull sections can be linked together and can be arranged in parallel and lengthened to adjust the capacity to match herd size. Manure is preheated to the operating temperature of the digester (about 105°F). Avatar is installing a system at a dairy in Stowe, Vermont, to digest manure from 90 milking cows. It is expected to be operational by late summer. Visit www.avatarenergy.com.

Licensing Agreement For High Solids AD
Turning Earth, LLC, a developer of integrated organics recycling facilities, completed an exclusive licensing and development agreement with the Danish company Solum Group to deploy its Aikan High Solids Anaerobic Digestion Technology. Turning Earth will have exclusive rights to the technology in North America and will work with Aikan North America, a Solum subsidiary, to develop Triple Play facilities that recycle organic waste to produce renewable baseload energy, compost and sustainably-grown crops. The companies will work together to design, construct, operate and maintain the facilities. Solum Group is Denmark’s largest supplier of compost, growth media and turf care products, integrating its operations with biogas production. Visit www.aikantechnology.com.

Biogas Optimized Engines
The new MAN E2876 LE 202 gas-powered engine was developed especially for efficient operation utilizing gases with only 50 percent methane content. The 6-cylinder in-line engine is based upon the MAN’s E2876 series, outputs 220 kW in 50-Hz operation and comes equipped with a single-stage exhaust turbocharger as well as two-stage cooling of the boost mixture, with high- and low-temperature circuits. Specialization for biogas – as opposed to engines that also run on natural gas and other special gases – results in increased power and efficiency, with an output increase of 20 kW, according to the company. To compensate for the lower-quality gas and achieve greater efficiency, the combustion chamber geometry of the new E2876 has been optimized, providing a higher performance engine to customers using biogas to run and heat power plants, dairy operations and other facilities and businesses. Visit www.man-mec.com.

Food Depackaging
The Dupps Company has introduced the new Food Depackaging System (FDS), the first product to be released from its recently formed Green Technologies business group. The FDS separates organic from nonorganic materials, including packaging such as plastics and paper. The system has been specifically engineered for turning food processing, supermarket and restaurant waste streams – and other food items suitable for recycling – into profitable, value-added product. Processing up to 350 cubic feet of raw feedstock per hour, the FDS features a heavy-duty shredder and a specially designed screw press. Organic materials are converted into a viscous, uniform material that is readily biodegradable, while a washing drum cleans fats and other organic material from removed packaging. For further information, visit www.dupps.com.

Odor Solution
SCARAB’s Odor Solutions combines composting best practices with chemical industry best practices to provide projects with an indoor system to control odors and optimize facility operations. The company took a whole systems approach (mechanical, chemical, environmental, biochemical and financial) to its design of a “realistically priced” choice for composters in need of reducing odors and emissions by capturing VOCs, according to SCARAB. In addition to odor control, features include water recycling (all the water vapor emitted is captured in the composting process and returned to the windrows); air exchanges; aeration without blowers and ducts (the air movement system draws air in from the outside for adequate aeration during turning and composting); and leachate and vector control. The chemically resistant fabric buildings can be disassembled for relocation on a pad site if necessary. Buildings can be custom-designed to fit a facility’s footprint with width being the only limiting factor (maximum 150 ft). Visit www.scarabmfg.com.

Compostable Cups
PepsiCo will begin offering a new line of recyclable and compostable cups to foodservice clients in the United States. The new products include fully recyclable clear plastics cups that include an rPET (recycled PET) cup containing 20 percent postconsumer content, and compostable cups and wax cups made with plant-based material sourced from sustainably managed forests. The company says it is offering the mix of green products in order for customers – such as restaurants, stadiums and parks, colleges and universities – to be able to select the right product based upon locally available infrastructure such as recycling and commercial compost facilities. “The new cups are an advancement in technology, but also in the way we communicate,” said PepsiCo Foodservice spokesperson Margery Schelling. “Customers increasingly are asking for environmental products that match changing needs, expectations and lifestyles. We want our customers to … feel good about the environmental impact of their purchase.”

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