December 7, 2009
Web Extra, December 2009 BioCycle

- ADDIN EN.REFLIST Baca, M.T., Delgado, I.C., Sanchezraya, A.J., and Gallardolara, F. (1990) Comparative use of cress seed-germination and physiological-parameters of Helianthus-annuus L to assess compost maturation. Biological Wastes 33: 251-261.
- Brewer, L.J., and Sullivan, D.M. (2003) Maturity and stability evaluation of composted yard trimmings. Compost Science & Utilization 11: 96-112.
- Chanyasak, V., Katayama, A., Hirai, M.F., Mori, S., and Kubota, H. (1983) Effects of compost maturity on growth of komatsuna (Brassica Rapa var pervidis) in Neubauer pot .1. Comparison of growth in compost treatments with that in inorganic nutrient treatments as controls. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 29: 239-250.
- Cooperband, L.R., Stone, A.G., Fryda, M.R., and Ravet, J.L. (2003) Relating compost measures of stability and maturity to plant growth. Compost Science & Utilization 11: 113-124.
- Emino, E.R., and Warman, P.R. (2004) Biological assay for compost quality. Compost Science & Utilization 12: 342-348.
- Erhart, E., and Burian, K. (1997) Evaluating quality and suppressiveness of Austrian biowaste composts. Compost Science & Utilization 5: 15-24.
- Gariglio, N.F., Buyatti, M.A., Pilatti, R.A., Gonzalez-Rossia, D.E., and Acosta, M.R. (2002) Use of a germination bioassy to test compost maturity of willow (Salix sp.) sawdust. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science 30: 135-139.
- Hartz, T.K., and Giannini, C. (1998) Duration of composting of yard wastes affects both physical and chemical characteristics of compost and plant growth. Hortscience 33: 1192-1196.
- Helfrich, P., Chefetz, B., Hadar, Y., Chen, Y.N., and Schnab, H. (1998) A novel method for determining phytotoxicity in composts. Compost Science & Utilization 6: 6-13.
- Iannotti, D.A., Grebus, M.E., Toth, B.L., Madden, L.V., and Hoitink, H.A.J. (1994) Oxygen respirometry to assess stability and maturity of composted municipal solid waste. Journal of Environmental Quality 23: 1177-1183.
- Morel, P., and Guillemain, G. (2004) Assessment of the possible phytotoxicity of a substrate using an easy and representative biotest. Acta Horticulture 644: 417-423.
- Thompson, W.H. (2004) Test Methods for the Examination of Composting and Compost. In. Leege, P., Millner, P., Watson, M. (ed): U.S. Composting Council, Research and Education Foundation.
- Warman, P.R. (1999) Evaluation of seed germination and growth tests for assessing compost maturity. Compost Science & Utilization 7: 33-37.
- Wu, L., Ma, L.Q., and Martinez, G.A. (2000) Comparison of methods for evaluating stability and maturity of biosolids compost. Journal of Environmental Quality 29: 424-429.
- Zucconi, F., Monaco, A., and Debertoldi, M. (1981) Biological evaluation of compost maturity. Biocycle 22: 27-29.