December 20, 2022 | AD & Biogas, Climate, Composting, Food Waste, Markets

BioCycle CONNECT: New Look, New Features In 2023

An update from the editors of BioCycle.

Nora Goldstein

BioCycle is excited to announce several updates to the BioCycle CONNECT e-newsletter. Starting in January 2023, readers will see a new design and layout of BioCycle CONNECT, which will continue to be published twice a month; the first edition will be mailed on January 11. The new design features editorial content only. We’ve added a “What We’re Reading” section, and will continue with feature articles, commentaries and BioCycle Briefs.

We are also launching BioCycle CONNECT+, providing readers with breaking news, as well as BioCycle Editors’ assessments of the impact of new developments on organics recycling facilities and programs, end product markets, and other areas of importance to our readers. BioCycle CONNECT+ will be sent as news happens.


Also new in 2023 is the availability of sponsorships that help underwrite the continuity — 64 years in 2023 — of BioCycle, The Organics Recycling Authority. BioCycle sponsors are recognized in BioCycle CONNECT and via advertisements on, our content-rich website with new posts and article archives that go back to 2004.

The new Sponsors webpage on (launching 1/1/2023) provides descriptions of sponsors’ equipment, products and services, as well as links to their websites. Our Equipment webpage is being updated and will feature equipment videos as well as how-to equipment-related articles from the BioCycle archives.

We thank our readers for their continued interest in BioCycle’s content. If you’re not already a subscriber, be sure to sign up today. And we are grateful to the companies and organizations that support our work, and our legacy. Wishing you all joyous holidays and the very best for the New Year.

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