November 29, 2023 | Climate, Composting, Policies + Regulations, Soil Health, Storm Water Management

International Compost Alliance To Celebrate World Soil Day

Brussels, November 28, 2023

The International Compost Alliance (ICA) is thrilled to announce its celebration of World Soil Day on December 5th, embracing the global theme for this year, “Soil and water, a source of life.”

Key messages:
1. Soil and water are essential resources for sustaining life on Earth;
2. Soil and water are interconnected resources that need integrated management;
3. Improper soil and water management practices affect soil erosion, soil biodiversity, soil fertility, and water quality and quantity;
4. Soil and water conservation contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation.

World Soil Day serves as a significant occasion to highlight the crucial role that soil and water play in sustaining life on our planet. The ICA, along with its members spanning from New Zealand to Canada, is proud to participate in this celebration by hosting a series of enlightening webinars. These internet-based webinars are available globally and will focus on the vital role of compost in maintaining healthy soils, promoting sustainable agricultural practices, and providing practical insights on minimizing contamination in compost.

Join us for a day of knowledge-sharing and discussions as we explore the profound relationship between soil and water, which is indeed the wellspring of life. The details of these webinars are outlined below, offering a unique opportunity to learn from experts in the field and discover the latest advancements in composting and sustainable agriculture.

Webinars of the members of the International Compost Alliance to be offered on December 5th are listed below.

12 pm New Zealand (UTC-11), WasteMINZ
Composting As Regenerative Practice
Free for WasteMINZ members, $49+GST for non-members.
Registration and further info

10 am Europe (CET; UTC+1), European Compost Network ECN
Europe’s New Soil Monitoring Law & Compost Effect On Soil Biodiversity
A free webinar.
Registration and further info

1 pm Europe (CET; UTC+1), ISWA
Unveiling The Contaminants Report “Preventing And Managing Contaminants In Organic Recycling”
A free webinar.
Registration and further info

10 am Canada (EST; UTC-7), Compost Council of Canada
Embracing The 6Cs Approach To Soil Health
A free webinar.
Registration and further info

1 pm United States (EST; UTC-7), Compost Research & Education Foundation
Deep Dive Into The Role Of Compost & Stormwater Media: Identifying Knowledge Gaps & Research Needs
Webinar Cost: $19 for USCC members, $29 for non-members.
Registration and further info

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