December 14, 2021 | AD & Biogas, Climate, Composting, Food Waste, Markets

New BioCycle CONNECT Schedule In 2022

BioCycle CONNECT is shifting frequency to twice a month. The first 2022 edition arrives in your In Box on January 12.

Nora Goldstein

“The Times, They Are A Changin’.” That was the title of the Editorial in the September/October 2019 issue of BioCycle, authored by myself and Rill Ann Miller, BioCycle Publisher. The Editorial opened with a verse from Bob Dylan’s well-known song, The Times They Are A Changin’. And indeed for BioCycle in fall of 2019, they were.

This passage from the Editorial summed up the change:
“Today, we ask you to ‘come gather ‘round’ to learn about how the times are changing at BioCycle headquarters. Starting January 1, 2020, BioCycle, The Organics Recycling Authority, will be published online. After the November-December 2019 issue is printed, BioCycle will continue our 60-year leadership as the Organics Recycling Authority online. Our primary focus will continue to be on the recovery and recycling of organics to build resilience into soil, water, energy and food systems. After 60 years of print publishing, the urgency to accelerate implementation of the practices we preach has never been greater. BioCycle will be working in real-time to track, communicate and provide access to the tools, knowledge, and actions that are crucial for successful implementation.”

We decided to launch BioCycle CONNECT as an “almost” weekly e-newsletter, publishing 48 editions a year. Part of the rationale for choosing that frequency was because so many e-publications come out daily or weekly, and it seemed important to be in readers’ In Boxes each week, with the exception of holiday weeks. Over the past two years, readers have complimented BioCycle on the in-depth content in every edition, but lamented that some weeks it was difficult to carve out the time to dive in.

Reducing the frequency to 24 times a year offers some breathing room — both for readers to catch up, and for BioCycle to prepare quality content and graphics. We will continue uploading new content in the intervening weeks on, especially breaking news or opportunities that have an impending deadline.

BioCycle CONNECT will be emailed to you on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month — excepting for November and December, due to the holidays. (November editions are Nov. 9 and Nov. 30; December editions are Dec. 7 and Dec. 21.)

A Few Asks

As Year Two of BioCycle CONNECT wraps up, we have a few favors to ask:

  • Add Us To Your In Box: Add the BioCycle CONNECT email address,, to your contact list to prevent an edition from ending up in your Spam or Junk folder.
  • Grow Our Community: Help grow the BioCycle CONNECT organics recycling community. When you open the latest issue, click forward to send the edition to colleagues.
  • Communicate And Connect: Connect with us! Send us news about your program or project, your latest innovation, or your questions! And connect with us on Linkedin. The more we Connect, Communicate and Collaborate, the faster we can implement change and resilience.

Our Gratitude

We’d also like to take this opportunity to extend our heartfelt gratitude to you, our BioCycle CONNECT readers and advertisers. It is our collective thirst for learning and continuous improvement that makes publishing BioCycle CONNECT fun and vibrant. Our advertisers are critical to BioCycle’s ability to continue serving as the Organics Recycling Authority via our e-newsletter, and our website,

As Editor/Publisher, I also want to let Team BioCycle know how much I appreciate all that they do for BioCycle Connect, LLC, and all that we get done together. A special thank you to Doug Pinkerton, Creative Director, Craig Coker, Senior Editor, Sally Brown, Senior Editorial Advisor (and Connections author) — and to Rill Ann Miller, Senior Business Advisor, and Ina Pincus, Associate Publisher, and my editor since 1978.

Finally, the words Rill Ann and I chose to close our “Times They Are A Changin’” Editorial in 2019 are equally appropriate at the end of 2021:

“Ending the print version of BioCycle is one of the most daunting decisions that we have faced since joining our parents, Jerome Goldstein and Ina Pincus, when they launched The JG Press, Inc. in 1978. On the cusp of a new decade, the waters are anything but calm. Get ready for an exciting swim with BioCycle.”

Wishing you all the best for the holiday season, and a joyous and healthy New Year.

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